Sunday, January 3, 2010

1st bake of the year

By no means do I at all consider myself all.

I'm not a great cook. I cook very simple. I hardly bake. I'm not very crafty. I've learnt that I am now a terrible sewer. My house is never entirely clean...I struggle with the laundry room. And only recently have I tried to decorate.

Anyway, in my attempt to become more domestic I asked for a mixer for Christmas so I can start to bake again. I think I use to have one but lost it in a move from one place to another. So, my mother got this mixer for Christmas
I decided to try to bake some cupcakes

The finished project:
We have 24 but only kept 6 for ourselves.

I think I usually start out baking in the beginning of the year and it slowly goes away.


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