It looks like I may have written off my car. Now, I'm not even really sure what happened because what I told the police...he said he didn't happen that way. It's strange how shock can set in and we remember things differently. After the accident I thought I was on a completely road. I told my sister, mom, the police and a friend that I text about the accident that I was on Rendersville Road. I wasn't even close to that road, lol. And I know I wasn't on it now but until I was told different I really thought I was.
That pillar there is what I hit. I don't remember hitting it. I don't remember hearing a noise from hitting it. I know I hit it hard if my whole front head light came off and after seeing the damages it did to my car.
In my mind I lost control of the car while on the road (snowy and slippery roads), I was all over the road and could not gain back control. I was spinning, all I saw was white, I knew that I was spinning so fast that I had to hit something to stop so I thought I'll just hold on to the steering wheel and hope I don't get hurt. I don't remember the moment when I came to a stop. I only remember being stopped and then trying to drive my car.
My neck is sore. I don't know if when I came to a stop, maybe a bit of whiplash or something but it's minor.
The rest of the day has been really strange. It's just weird to go on with the rest of the day like a normal day when I just possibly wrote off my car. So far everyones guess is that it's wrote off.
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